Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A trip to Mahabalipuram

Today our group visited Mahabalipuram, a coastal town and ancient port town about 1.5 hours outside of Chennai on the Bay of Bengal. The town is known for its temples, caves and carvings in rock, dating back to the 7th century. The carvings illustrate events from the Mahabarata, one of two ancient Sanskrit epics from ancient India. Several of the temples/monuments in the pictures I took were actually carved from single rocks, an impressive feat given their size and detail. In invested in a goofy-looking hat to combat the heat and had a great time exploring the monuments, which were spread out among small stalls selling fruits, ice cream, art, and jewelry. It was nice to see people from a variety of different cultures and regions visiting the monuments, and us as Americans making up a very small proportion of the tourists. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves- this is an amazing place.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Those are beautiful!! Too bad we dont have mad skills like that! And snaps for the hat..I;m not taking Erin to the skin cancer clinic when she gets back! (Just kidding...)