Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Holidays!

The holidays are here, but it still doesn't feel like it in Botswana. The heat is back in full force after 2 months of frequent rain and thunderstorms. Christmas is not a huge deal- there's some of the same hubbub at the stores, a ton of people traveling, but I really have to use my imagine to envision it being Christmas. I'm spending Christmas with a few friends, eating lots and trying to make it seem more festive.
Last week Stepping Stones International, the NGO that I'm working for, had our Christmas party with the kids. The kids pretty much organized the whole event, coming up with songs, dances, poetry, and even a drama to perform for their caregivers, my coworkers and I, and some members of the community. It was a great way to end the year with the kids, since our center will be closed until after New Years.
I'll soon be leaving to go up to the Okavango Delta for the first time- it's supposed to be the most beautiful part of the country, with some of the most diverse wildlife and a welcome watery diversion from the otherwise parched desert. I'll be visiting with other volunteers and camping out for the New Year, so it should be a great time.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Years. I miss everyone back home and hope you're all doing well!

1 comment:

Jennifer Marie Jordan said...

Hi Leslie!

I just discovered your blog. I'm coming to Botswana as a Peace Corps volunteer in April to work as a Life Skills Technical Advisor.

I just started my own blog too. It was nice to run into you!
