Sunday, October 7, 2007

Holiday fun and hard work

Last weekend was a holiday weekend- Botswana celebrated 41 years of independence on September 30th, and we got Monday and Tuesday off of work which was nice. I made a trip to some villages further south to visit some other Peace Corps Volunteer friends- went to a couple of birthday parties and ended up spending tons of time on buses and waiting for transportation. Just another reminder that things here definitely move at a different pace. I definitely miss the convenience of having a car, but at least time on the bus usually translates into reading time, assuming I manage to get a seat.
Work has been very busy this week, and I've been fighting a bad cold which doesn't help. Sarah, the volunteer who is staying with me, has been teaching the kids about marketing and they seem to be enjoying having her around. Hopefully I'll get to spend more time with the kids soon, but in the meantime I'm doing research and helping with administrative and organizational stuff that needs to be done. Stepping Stones International is going to be expanding soon to accommodate more kids, so that means a lot of planning and proposal writing for funding needs to happen. It's an exciting time, and time seems to be flying by. I can't believe it's already October and I'm going to be 26 in a few days!
My mom comes to visit next week and I can't wait! I'll try to get some great pictures when she's here and will post them in the near future.

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