I was lucky enough to have some of my good friends from Oregon, Geoffrey and Liisa, visit me last week. They arrived from India exhausted and ready for some down time- something I was looking forward to as well. We spent the week exploring Mochudi, going grocery shopping (they hadn't seen a real grocery store in months), hiking in the hills and visiting Gaborone. It was surreal to have friends from home here, but so nice to be reminded of my former life.
Unfortunately just before they arrived, I started feeling ill- I had dizzy spells, a neck and headache, and felt weak. I couldn't figure out what was going on, but I had a bug bite on my leg that had formerly been just a bump, and was suddenly swelling, turning red, and scabbing over. I had it checked out, and sure enough, something poisonous had bitten me while I'd been hiking. Even after taking medication it proceeded to turn purple and swell more. I'm hoping that by the end of this week it will be completely better. It definitely woke me up to the fact that I'm not in Oregon anymore- poison ivy and nettle stings have been replaced by spiders the size of my hands and poisonous flies. I'm just thankful to have avoided any more serious illness so far!
Enjoy some pictures of Mochudi from the hills and a cool random shot of Geoffrey- he was waving his arms in the air and the camera just happened to take the shot at a very artsy moment.